Auto Anodics Inc. & Advanced Finishing Technologies have established, documented, implemented and maintain an ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System and work to continually improve their effectiveness in compliance with the American National Standard.
Auto Anodics Inc. & Advanced Finishing Technologies Quality Management System receives input and feedback from all employees, the various company aspects represented in the “Quality System Map” are maintained by the respective managers. Internal auditors then monitor and maintain the Quality Management System and report to the Plant Manager who acts as the “Management Representative”. The “Management Representative” accordingly is the liaison between Auto Anodics Inc. or Advanced Finishing Technologies and their respective Customers thus ensuring promotion and awareness of Customer Requirements to employees.
Auto Anodics Inc. & Advanced Finishing Technologies employees are trained and involved in the company’s “Quality Management System”. Employees are utilized in process development and corrective action problem solving to ensure processes are developed so Customer Requirements are met.
Auto Anodics Inc. & Advanced Finishing Technologies trains operators to process all Customer Product. Employees are trained that they are responsible for the quality of the product that they produce. Our Quality Manager ensures that our Customer’s Requirements are relayed to the employees through Training, Employee Meetings, Work Instructions, Station Instructions, Quality Alerts and Samples.
Auto Anodics Inc. & Advanced Finishing Technologies monitor and, where applicable, measure their ISO Quality Management System. Procedures and forms are used to help demonstrate the ability of our processes to achieve planned results and to ensure conformity to Customer Specifications and Requirements.
As products proceed through the stations of the plant we measure the characteristics of the product to ensure and verify that product quality requirements have been met. This monitoring is verified through different inspection check sheets and work instructions to ensure that parts are processed as planned and meet Customer Quality Requirements.
Our Internal Auditors and Plant Manager monitor all inspection reports. Through our ISO Quality Management System, we use corrective actions to address internal and external non-conformances. These tools are used to evaluate non-conformances, it then determines their root cause with the goal of eliminating them.
Auto Anodics Inc. & Advanced Finishing Technologies are both committed to continually improving the effectiveness of the Quality Management System by meeting or exceeding our Customers expectations for the products we process for them.